In-Game Contents

FAQ > In-game contents

What If I Do Not Understand The Game Operation Of MAT?

Press 'F1' key to view a detailed guide regarding battle operations.

How To Open System Menu?

Press 'ESC' key.

How To Switch Between Different Weapons?

When the game is just started and both the attack side and defence side is interchanging, the interface of switching weapons will pop-up. You can select your weapon on the stated interface. When you want to switch to other weapons, just press 'N' key during the battle, and choose from the lists provided.

How To Open The Instant Result Interface?

Press 'Tab' key to open the instant result interface. Release 'Tab' key to auto-hide the instant result interface.

What Game Modes Are Available In MAT?

Team Recovery Mode, Team Competitive Mode, Individual Recovery Mode, Ghost Mode, Seizure Mode, Explosive Mode, Chatroom Mode, Mummy Mode, Reward Mission, and Terminator Mode.

How To Enter Into Competition Room?

Enter into the Main Lobby interface of your selected game channel, you will see a Room list of that channel. Double-click a room, or click a room and select 'Join Room', then you can enter into the room. When you enter a password-protected room, you must enter a correct password.

What Is Meant By Players Ranking?

It means the arrangement of players' individual Honour value (from high to low) in a game server.

How Frequent The Ranking Is Updates?

Usually, the Ranking will be updated everyday.

What Contents Are Available On Room Info Interface?

  • Room Name, showing the name of room that you are currently staying in.
  • Game Map, showing the name of current map.
  • Game Mode,showing the current game mode in the game.
  • Time Limit,showing the limitation on game time.
  • Population Limit,showing the upper limit of population in the current room. The options include: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16.
  • The availability of 'Instant Join' function. The default setting of game is 'available', which means allowing players to instantly join the battle even if the battle has been started earlier.
  • Weapon Limit,showing the available weapons for the current round of battle.

How To Communicate With Other Player?

Browse the scroll menu in Chat channel to select a player to chat. Players List, Friends List, and Blacklist: Right-click any player in the menu to add friends, start personal chat, view information, and other functions.

What If I Face An Unsolved Problem During The Game?

Please dial our Customer Service hotline (+603 8023 8315), or e-mail to our Customer Service mailbox ( to report the problem to us.

How To Create A Room?

On the Lobby interface, click the button of 'Create room', complete all the settings. And then click the confirm button.

What Is The Limitation On The Length Of Game Character's Name?

The maximum length of character's name is 12 characters, which means 12 alphabets or numbers.

Can The Character's Name Repeat?

Repeated character's name is not allowed.

Will The Continual Usage Of BAZOOKA Cause Offence Against Good Environment In The Game?

Bazooka is one of the legal weapons. Normal usage of Bazooka will not cause any problem in game.

How To Register A Game Account?

Please log on to M.A.T. official website (, press 'Register' and then fill in the registration form provided.

Cam I Open More Than One Game Window At The Same Time?

No, you are not allowed to open multiple M.A.T. game applications at the same time.

How I Move My Game Character In The Game?

The default settings in the game are: Press 'W' to move forward, 'S' to step backward, 'A' to move to left, 'D' to go right direction. You can also customize the key settings on the interface of 'Settings' in the game.

How To Open Fire In The Game?

Left-click to open fire. Through customizing the game settings, you can also change the operation keys according to your own habits.

How To Throw Grenade In The Game?

Press the number key '4' to switch weapon to Grenade, and then left-click to pull the lead wire of Grenade and aim the direction towards the target, and finally, release the left mouse key to throw out the Grenade. The Grenade will be thrown towards target in parabolic curve.

How To Open Sighting Telescope(Aiming Lens) Of Swiper Weapon?

Right-click 1 time to open 1x telescope. Right click for the 2nd time to open 2 x telescopes.

How To Install Bomb In Explosive Mode?

Press the number key '5' to switch weapon to Bomb. Within the specific area of bomb installation, please left-click to start the process of bomb installation. The fulfilled installation bar indicates the succeed installation of Bomb.

How To Pick Up The Weapons Dropped By Other Players In The Game?

Press 'G' key to throw away the weapon that you are currently holding, and then move to the place where the dropped weapons located in order to pick up the weapon. You can only pick up the weapon which is of the same type as your thrown-away weapon.

Is There Any Time Limitation For Weapon Usage?

The default free weapons have no limitation on usage, but the purchased weapons and mission weapons have limitations on the usage timeline. You can check the expiry date of weapon by viewing the weapon info in the Inventory interface.

I Purchased A New Weapon But Why I Still Hold The Previous Weapon When I Entered Into The Game?

After completed your shopping process, you need to enter into Inventory and equip the items on your game characters, in order to use the item when entering into game. Different weapon has different equip field.

Can I Delete A Game Character Or Rename A Game Character?

You cannot delete a game character in the game, and cannot edit the name of game character after the creation of character.

What Are The Benefits Of Military Rank?

Military Rank indicates your grade in the game. The increment of game grades will increase your game authorities, and let you experience more intriguing game contents.

How To Increase Military Rank?

You can increase your Military Rank by accumulating your Honour Values (EXP) in the game. You can also purchase AFK Card in M.A.T. Item Mall, and then equip it and enter into the chat room in order to let the card automatically generate Honour Values for you!

What Are The Factors That Influence Your Ranking?

Your Level and Honour Value will affect your ranking. The higher the level is, the greater the Honour Value will be. If there are 2 players with same Level but different Honour Values, the one with higher Honour Value will get better ranking.

Is It Possible To Configure MAT Game Interface As Window Mode?

MAT supports both Full Screen and Window Mode. What you have to do is pressing ALT+ENTER keys to switch between Full Screen and Window Mode.

What Are The Differences Between MAT And Other Shooting Games In The Market?

Comparing to other FPS games in the market, MAT is a unique First-Person Shooting (FPS) online game with relatively lighter violence elements, greater fashion values, and more entertaining contents. Just look at what we have in MAT: The leisure game style, the ever-changing avatars, the cutting-edge weapons with unbelievable lethality, the user-friendly interface, the humorous Magic Grenades, and the cool dance steps with mysterious functions... You name it, M.A.T. has it!

Currently How Much Military Ranks Have Been Opened In The Game?

There are 101 levels available in the game, corresponding to 101 Military Ranks. Currently, the highest rank is 'Marshal'.

Will My Account Get Deleted Automatically If I keep Not Logging In The Game For Long Time?

Currently, even if you have not logged in the game for long time, your account will not be deleted in the game system.

Whem Will My Game Character BE Kicked Out From The Game After Certain Time Of Static Operation?

The elimination rule of game server is as below: After entering into game server (After the server selection interface), no matter how large the interface is, the server info interface will pop-up an alert of elimination. Despite any game interface, the server elimination rule is standardized: A player will be kicked out after 1 hour of static operation.